Bản Tin Nhân Quyền Số 2: Đi Xa Hơn Trong Công Tác Quốc Tế Vận

Mạch Sống ngày 3/6/2012

Bản Tin Nhân Quyền Việt Nam Số 2, bằng hai thứ tiếng Anh và Pháp, đã được gởi đến tất cả các thành viên của Quốc Hội Hoa Kỳ, Canada, Úc, và Âu Châu, cũng như một số giới chức Hành Pháp và Lập Pháp Đài Loan. Bản tin cũng được gởi đến hàng trăm tổ chức nhân quyền trong khối ASEAN và quốc tế.

“Đối tượng của bản tin nhân quyền việt Nam là giới chức chính quyền và tổ chức nhân quyền quốc tế,” Ts. Nguyễn Đình Thắng, Giám Đốc Điều Hành của BPSOS, giải thích.


Theo Ông, mục tiêu của bản tin là tạo ý thức trong công luận quốc tế về tình trạng vi phạm nhân quyền ngày càng trầm trọng ở Việt Nam.

“Việt Nam đã thay thế Miến Điện trong vị trí quốc gia vi phạm nhân quyền trầm trọng nhất và thiếu dân chủ nhất trong toàn vùng Đông Nam Á”, Ts.Thắng nói.

Ts. Thắng nhận xét rằng cho đến nay, ngoại trừ một số ít tổ chức nhân quyền quen thuộc như Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Freedom House…, phần lớn các tổ chức nhân quyền khác trên thế giới chưa chú tâm đến Việt Nam.

Mục tiêu thứ hai của bản tin là tạo diễn đàn để đưa tiếng nói của thành phần dân chủ và nhân quyền đến với công luận quốc tế. Theo Ts. Thắng, cho đến nay các giới chức chính quyền cũng như số ít tổ chức nhân quyền quốc tế quan tâm đến Việt Nam vẫn chưa có tập quán vấn ý và nêu quan điểm của các thành phần dân chủ và nhân quyền ở trong nước Việt Nam. Thay vào đó, họ thường chỉ vấn ý các thành phần người Việt ở hải ngoại.

“Đây là một hiện tượng bất lợi cho công cuộc tranh đấu cho dân chủ và nhân quyền ở Việt Nam vì không có tiếng nói đối trọng với chính quyền trên trường quốc tế,” Ts. Thắng nhận định. “Tại các diễn đàn quốc tế về dân chủ và nhân quyền, hầu như không có tiếng nói của các nhà đấu tranh trong nước.”

Theo Ông, hiệu quả của Bản Tin Nhân Quyền Việt Nam có thể đo lường qua các thành quả dự trù, gồm có: (1) số chính quyền quan tâm đến tình trạng vi phạm nhân quyền ở Việt Nam sẽ gia tăng, (2) số giới chức chính quyền quốc tế đối thoại trực tiếp với các thành phần dân chủ và nhân quyền ở Việt Nam sẽ gia tăng, (3) số tổ chức nhân quyền lên tiếng về tình trạng nhân quyền ở Việt Nam sẽ gia tăng, và (4) các thành phần dân chủ và nhân quyền Việt Nam sẽ có tiếng nói ở các diễn đàn ASEAN và quốc tế.

“Sau ba tháng, sáu tháng chúng ta có thể đối chiếu kết quả của công việc so với các thành quả dự trù kể trên để đánh giá công tác quốc tế vận này.”

Bản Tin Nhân Quyền Việt Nam là đề án chung của hai tổ chức Nghị Hội Người Việt Toàn Quốc Tại Hoa Kỳ (NCVA) và BPSOS. Đầu năm nay BPSOS thành lập toán nghiên cứu để góp phần cho bản tin này.

“Chúng tôi mong rằng tất cả các tổ chức và cá nhân người Việt trên thế giới tuỳ nghi sử dụng bản tin này cho nỗ lực quốc tế vận ở các quốc gia tự do”, Ts. Thắng chia sẻ. “Đồng thời chúng tôi cũng xin mọi người cung cấp cho chúng tôi những địa chỉ email của các giới chức chính quyền hay tổ chức nhân quyền trên thế giới để gởi bản tin.”

Bài Liên Quan:

Bản Tin Nhân Quyền Việt Nam Ra Mắt:

Đẩy Mạnh Công Tác Quốc Tế Vận:

Hợp Sức Cho Quốc Tế Vận:

Làm Việc Gốc:


Vietnam Human Rights Bulletin

A Cooperative Project of NCVA and BPSOS

May 2012 Vol I, No 2

“Severe restrictions on the citizens’ political rights”:

State Department’s Annual Human Rights Report on Vietnam

On May 24, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton officially released the U.S. State Department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices covering events during 2011. “These reports, which the United States government has published for nearly four decades, make clear to governments around the world [that] we are watching, and we are holding you accountable,” she said. “They make clear to citizens and activists everywhere, you are not alone. We are standing with you.”

While applauding the Arab Spring and recent developments in Burma, the report noted a dismal record in North Korea, Syria and Iran as well as increasing human rights violations in China and in Vietnam. The 42-page report on Vietnam says the worst human rights problems in Vietnam in 2011 were “severe restrictions on citizens’ political rights, particularly their right to change their government; increased measures to limit citizens’ civil liberties; and corruption in the judicial system and police.”

The report notes the continued mistreatment of victims at the hands of the police during arrest and detention, sometimes resulting in death, and the arbitrary arrest and detention of political activists without the benefit of fair and speedy trials. The Vietnamese government continues to restrict the freedoms of expression, opinion, assembly, and association; and increased its suppression of dissenting voices. Restrictions on Internet freedom were tightened during 2011, many websites critical of the government were brought down, and the authorities spied on dissident bloggers

Freedom of religion is described as “uneven, with significant problems continuing.” The state prevents the monitoring of human rights by independent observers. Abuse and discrimination against women, including child prostitution, as well as human trafficking have yet to abate. And the formation of independent unions is strictly forbidden.

As in previous years, the Country Report’s treatment of human rights violations against Montagnards, Hmong, Khmer Krom, and members of other ethnic minority groups was incomplete and at times misleading. The 2011 report devotes only a few sentences to human rights violations against members of minority groups but repeats language from previous report describing at some length government programs ostensibly designed to improve the situation of ethnic minorities. The report also repeats the seriously misleading assertion from previous years’ reports that members of ethnic minority groups who escape to neighboring countries — many of whom have been subjected to or threatened with severe persecution – have left Vietnam “reportedly to seek greater economic opportunity or shortcuts to migration to other countries.”

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL’s Annual Report for 2012 – Vietnam

Amnesty International’s Annual Report for 2012, which was released on the same day (May 24) as the State Department’s Country Reports, reaches similar conclusions. “Harsh repression of dissidents continued” in Vietnam, the Amnesty report stated, “with severe restrictions on freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly. Critics of government policies were targeted, including social and political activists. At least nine dissident trials took place, with 20 defendants. Vaguely worded provisions of the 1999 Penal Code were used to, in effect, criminalize peaceful political and social dissent. The government continued to censor the internet, although use of social networking sites reportedly increased as people used circumvention tools to bypass restrictions. Dozens of prisoners of conscience remained in prison. Religious and ethnic groups perceived to be opposing the government continued to face human rights violations. According to media reports, 23 people were sentenced to death and five executed; the true numbers are believed to be higher. Official statistics on the death penalty remained classified.”

Cu Huy Ha Vu, one of five finalists for the Front Line

Defenders of Freedom award

On May 17, Front Line Defenders announced that Dr. Cu Huy Ha Vu, a famous lawyer currently in jail in Vietnam, has been voted one of five finalists for the 2012 Front Line Defenders Award for Human Rights Defenders at Risk. Front Line Defenders is a Dublin-based organization which established this prestigious award in 2005. The overall winner of the Front Line Defenders Award 2012 will be announced at a ceremony in Dublin’s City Hall on 08 June.

Dr. Cu Huy Ha Vu, the son of the famous poet Huy Can and the foster son of the equally famous poet Xuan Dieu, received his doctorate in Law and a master’s degree in Literature from the Sorbonne in France. He became famous when he took on the defense of victims of land injustice in Vietnam and when he sued Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung for illegal concessions to China for the exploitation of bauxite in the Vietnam Central Highlands and for outlawing collective complaints. In April 2011 he was convicted under Article 88 of the Penal Code (“conducting propaganda against the State”) and sentenced to seven years in jail to be followed by four years of house arrest.

This year’s award of 15,000 Euros will be announced on June 8.

Vietnam reporters beaten up by riot police

YouTube videos of the military-like land expropriation operation carried out by approximately 2,000 policemen and associated militia-like groups in Van Giang District, Hung Yen Province, showed two men being roughed up by the police and their associates. It turned out that they were two radio reporters from the government’s own Voice of Vietnam (VOV) who had been sent to cover the event.

[Watch videos:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=in0veUYNnQc ]

When this was revealed ten days later, VOV was hard pressed to explain why it had not protested the mistreatment of its employees. The authorities in Hung Yen discounted the incident by questioning the authenticity of the video and claiming that the reporters involved, Nguyen Ngoc Nam and Han Phi Long, might not have revealed their press credentials in time to avoid the beating. This assertion seems to rest on the assumption that it would have been acceptable to beat the two men if they had been innocent bystanders rather than government-employed journalists. As public scrutiny intensified, the national Journalists Association and the Hanoi Bar Association sent investigators to Hung Yen to speak to authorities there. When it became clear that the police were at fault and that the Hung Yen authorities had failed to exert control over the police, reports on the attack on the VOV reporters and on the ensuing investigation disappeared from government news outlets. On 11 May the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) issued a statement saying that the attack shows that “all reporters [are] at risk in Vietnam”.

The Christian Science Monitor: “As US and Vietnam get closer, human rights concerns grow”

In an article posted April 24, 2012, Simon Roughneen, a Bangkok-based correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, reported that “Vietnam has a spotty record of human rights violations, according to Human Rights Watch, which accused Hanoi of systematically suppressing freedom of expression, association, and of peaceful assembly.” The article discussed charges against three bloggers for “propaganda against the State” and called attention to the government-owned Thanh Nien newspaper’s claim that independent bloggers posted 421 articles on the Independent Journalists’ Club website between September 2007 and October 2010, allegedly “distorting the truth, denigrating the party and state.” Hanoi-based Le Quoc Quan, who works closely with some of Vietnam’s hard-pressed pro-democracy activists, estimated that Vietnam holds between 300 and 600 political prisoners, a category the government does not recognize. Quan added that the three bloggers charged with criminal offenses “did nothing but express their freedom of the press.” France-based media watchdog Reporters Without Borders lists Vietnam as an “Enemy of the Internet,” a characterization borne out by the government’s proposed new Internet laws. “While the law has not been finalized,” says the article, “foreign companies such as Facebook may have to open local offices and provide user information to the government, and bloggers in future will have to use their real names when posting.”

Imprisoned bloggers face harsh sentences

On 15 May, the families of Nguyen Van Hai (nickname Dieu Cay), Phan Thanh Hai (aka Anhbasg) and Ta Phong Tan, a former Public Security officer turned dissident, were informed that the trial of the three men, originally set for 17 May, would be postponed indefinitely. The reason behind this is unclear, although it may be related to the international scrutiny the cases have been receiving. On April 19th the New York Times printed an editorial praising the courage of Dieu Cay and of Natalya Radzina, a prominent democracy activist from Belarus. President Obama’s remarks on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, May 3rd, included a statement that the free world “should not forget Dieu Cay.” Dieu Cay was among the first to organize an anti-China demonstration in Saigon in 2008 protesting against Chinese occupation of the Paracel and Spratly islands (over which Vietnam has strong historical claims). He was then falsely charged with tax evasion and sentenced to three years in prison. After he completed his sentence he was not released; instead, he was held incommunicado for several months and now faces trial on a new set of charges.


The Van Giang “police action”

As noted above (“Vietnam reporters beaten up by riot police”), on April 24 an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 police armed with bludgeons, electric rods, and tear gas descended on Van Giang district in Hung Yen province to expropriate land from local farmers. The land will be turned over to a real estate developer, Vihajico, whose plan it is to build a high-end residential complex called EcoPark. Although the Van Giang operation started at 4:30 in the morning, some 700 farmers from the three villages of Xuan Quan, Phung Cong, and Cuu Cao who were somehow forewarned came out in strength to protest the takeover. They were badly outmatched, however, by the heavily armed police officers and by the 60 to 70 bulldozers and other vehicles that followed in their wake.

Interestingly, the tourist center to be built on land confiscated from Catholic parishioners in Con Dau, Da Nang, is also described by its government advocates as an “Ecotourism” project. It is not clear whether and in what ways these projects will benefit the environment. The Van Giang “EcoPark” was proposed by a well-connected developing group that includes a British partner, Savills. It was advertized as a “green project” offering top security and comfort not very far from Hanoi. Soon after the project was conceived in 2003, the site was visited by high-ranking officials including Nguyen Tan Dung, who is now Prime Minister. The stumbling block with this project, as with the one in Con Dau and with other similar projects, was that the farmers were asked to clear the area, leave their ancestral lands, and go elsewhere for compensation far lower than the value of the land, while the developer will resell the property at perhaps a hundred times the amount of the compensation money.

In the Van Giang case the police action generated a public outcry that has resulted in at least a temporary pause in the conflict. The farmers of three villages are back for the moment, building hedges and trying to restore their orchards and fields.

The Vu Ban, Nam Dinh, operation

On May 9, with the Van Giang operation not quite over, the authorities of Vu Ban district, Nam Dinh province, “mobilized the tools of violence, around 300 people armed with bludgeons, guns, and shepherd dogs, to pounce on the people and hit them indiscriminately. A woman was kicked in the chest, another was dragged on the ground. A 80-year old woman from Cao Phuong hamlet, Lien Bao township, was asphyxiated and had her arms pulled together behind her back. Mrs. Dat, 70, was bludgeoned and kicked with swollen face, then thrown out on Route 10 in the sun. Many others yet were beaten up by bunches of attackers. The tragic cries of the victims filled the air over the fields. As for those arrested it was not clear how they would be treated at the police stations.”

This was the description of the event by a former Vietnamese Ambassador to China, General Nguyen Trong Vinh, in an article published on May 16th in the highly popular blog site of Dr. Nguyen Xuan Dien (xuandienhannom.blogspot.com). General Vinh went on to comment:

“How can the authorities be so inhuman, unethical?

“How can the police be so cruel, beating up the people as if they were enemies?

. . . .

“Without their fields, the people become like fish without water. Unskilled, what can they do now? Suppose that they can get retrained, what enterprise would hire them at the age of 40, 50, 60?”

. . . .

“Facing them is the road to misery, an indefinite future.”

Ambassador Vinh observed that “[i]n the last three months we have witnessed three barbaric forceful land expropriation cases (Tien Lang – Hai Phong, Van Giang – Hung Yen, and Vu Ban – Nam Dinh) where the farmers have been arrested, hit and kicked indiscriminately, and expropriated. At no time have our peasantry been unjustly and shamefully treated as of now!”

Droits de la personne au VN – Bulletin

Un projet coopératif de NCVA et BPSOS

Mai 2012 Vol I, No 2

” Restrictions sévères sur les droits politiques des citoyens” :

Rapport Annuel sur les Droits de la personne au Vietnam du Secrétariat d’État américain

Le 24 mai 2012, le Secrétaire d’État Hillary Clinton a officiellement annoncé la publication par le Secrétariat d’État des Rapports Régionaux sur l’Exercice Des droits de la Personne couvrant les événements de 2011. ” Ces rapports, que le gouvernement des États-Unis a publiés depuis presque quatre décennies, montrent aux gouvernements dans le monde que nous observons attentivement et que nous tenons à l’imputabilité de vos actes,” dit-elle. ” Ils envoient un message clair aux citoyens et aux activistes de partout que vous n’êtes pas seuls. Nous sommes avec vous. ”

Tout en donnant une bonne appréciation du Printemps Arabe et des développements récents en Birmanie, le rapport a constaté une performance lamentable en Corée du Nord, en Syrie et en Iran ainsi que des violations croissantes des droits de la personne en Chine et au Vietnam. Le rapport de 42 pages sur le Vietnam mentionne que les pires atteintes aux droits de la personne au Vietnam en 2011 ont été les sévères restrictions sur les droits politiques des citoyens, en particulier les droits de changer leur gouvernement, les mesures croissantes destinées à restreindre les libertés civiles des citoyens et la corruption dans le système judiciaire et dans la police.

Le rapport mentionne la poursuite du mauvais traitement infligé aux victimes dans les mains de la police pendant l’arrestation et la détention, parfois menant au décès, et l’arrestation arbitraire et la détention des activistes politiques sans leur donner le bénéfice des procès équitables et diligents. Le gouvernement vietnamien continue à restreindre les libertés d’expression, d’opinion, de rassemblement et d’association et à accroître la suppression des voix dissidentes. Les restrictions sur la liberté d’internet se sont faites plus serrées durant 2011, plusieurs sites d’internet critiques à l’égard du gouvernement ont été fermés et les autorités espionnent les bloggeurs dissidents.

La liberté de religion est décrite comme ” inégale avec la persistance des problèmes importants”. L’État empêche l’observation et le suivi de l’exercice des droits de la personne par des observateurs indépendants. Les abus et la discrimination contre les femmes, incluant la prostitution juvénile, ainsi que le trafic des êtres humains attendent encore d’être combattus. Et la constitution des syndicats indépendants est strictement interdite.

Comme dans les années précédentes, le Rapport Local sur le traitement des violations des droits humains des montagnards, des Hmong, des Kmers Krom et des membres d’autres minorités ethniques est incomplet et parfois trompeur. Le rapport 2011 consacre seulement quelques phrases sur les violations des droits humains contre les membres des groupes minoritaires mais répète le langage du rapport antérieur décrivant longuement les programmes gouvernementaux apparemment conçus pour améliorer les conditions des minorités ethniques. Le rapport répète aussi l’affirmation hautement trompeuse des rapports précédents à savoir que les membres des minorités ethniques qui se réfugient dans les pays voisins — plusieurs d’entre eux ont fait l’objet ou ont été menacés de persécution sévère. — ont quitté le Vietnam pour chercher de meilleures opportunités économiques ou pour raccourcir le chemin d’émigration vers d’autres pays.

Rapport annuel 2012 sur le Vietnam d’AMNISTIE INTERNATIONNALE

Le Rapport annuel 2012 d’Amnistie Internationale, publié au même jour (24 mai) que les Rapports Régionaux du Secrétariat d’État américain , aboutit aux conclusions similaires. ”La dure répression des dissidents continue au Vietnam”, affirme le rapport d’Amnistie, ”avec des restrictions sévères sur la liberté d’expression, d’association de rassemblement pacifique. Les personnes qui critiquent les politiques du gouvernement sont fichées, y compris les activistes sociaux et politiques. Au moins neuf procès de dissidents ont été tenus avec 20 accusés. Les articles vaguement rédigés du Code Pénal 1999 ont été utilisés en réalité pour criminaliser la pacifique dissension sociale et politique. Le gouvernement continue à censurer l’internet, bien que l’utilisation des sites des réseaux sociaux se soit apparemment intensifiée car la population utilise des moyens détournés pour court-circuiter les restrictions. Une douzaine de prisonniers de conscience sont restés en prison. Les groupes religieux et ethniques perçus comme des opposants du gouvernement continuent de subir les violations des droits de la personne. Selon les rapports des médias, 23 personnes ont été condamnées à mort et cinq exécutés; les chiffres réels sont supposés plus élevés. Les statistiques officielles sur la peine de mort sont classifiées confidentielles.

Cu Huy Ha Vu, un des finalistes du Prix des Défenseurs de Front de la Liberté

Le 17 mai, Les Défenseurs de Front de la Liberté a annoncé que Dr. Cu Huy Ha Vu, un avocat célèbre, présentement emprisonné au Vietnam, a été choisi comme l’un des cinq finalistes du Prix des Défenseurs de Front en 2012, attribué aux Défenseurs des droits humains à risques. Les Défenseurs de Front est une organisation basée à Dublin qui a créé ce Prix prestigieux en 2005. Le lauréat du prix des Défenseurs de Front en 2012 sera annoncé à une cérémonie organisée au ”City Hall” de Dublin le 8 juin.

Dr Cu Huy Ha Vu, fils du célèbre poète Huy Can et vivant sous le toit d’un autre poète aussi célèbre Xuan Dieu, a reçu son Doctorat en droit et son Diplôme d’Études Supérieures en Lettres à la Sorbonne en France. Il gagnait sa célébrité en s’engageant dans la défense des victimes d’expropriation injuste des terres au Vietnam et en intentant une poursuite contre le Premier Ministre Nguyen Tan Dung pour les concessions illégales à la Chine de l’exploitation de la bauxite dans les plateaux du Centre du Vietnam et pour avoir proscrit les plaintes collectives. En avril 2011, il était reconnu coupable sous l’Article 88 du Code Pénal (”mener la propagande contre l’État”) et condamné à 7 ans de prison, suivis de quatre ans en résidence surveillée. Le prix de 15.000 Euros de cette année sera annoncé le 8 juin.

Reporters du Vietnam tabassés par la police

Les vidéos sur Youtube relatifs aux opérations d’expropriation des terres exécutées manu militari par environ 2000 policiers et des groupes associés à des milices au district de Van Giang, province de Hung Yen, montraient deux hommes malmenés par la police et ses associés. Il s’est avéré que les victimes étaient deux reporters de radio de La Voix du Vietnam, organisme gouvernemental, qui sont envoyés sur place pour couvrir les événements.

[Regarder les vidéos :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=in0veUYNnQc ]

Quand ce fait fut révélé dix jours plus tard, la VDV subit une forte pression pour expliquer pourquoi elle n’a pas protesté contre le mauvais traitement de ses employés. Les autorités à Hung Yen voulaient ignorer l’incident en remettant en question l’authenticité du vidéo et prétendaient que les reporters impliqués Nguyen Ngoc Nam et Han Phi Long, n’auraient pas révélé à temps leurs identités d’agents de presse pour éviter le tabassage. Cette affirmation semble reposer sur la supposition qu’il aurait été acceptable de battre les deux hommes s’il avaient été deux spectateurs innocents plutôt que deux journalistes employés gouvernementaux. Comme l’attention de l’opinion publique s’est intensifiée, l’Association nationale des Journalistes et le Barreau de Hanoi ont envoyé des investigateurs à Hung Yen pour parler aux autorités locales. Quand il s’avérait que la police avait été en faute et que les autorités de Hung Yen avaient manqué d’exercer le contrôle sur la police, les reportages sur l’attaque contre les reporters de la VDV et sur les investigations subséquentes ont disparu sur les sites d’informations gouvernementaux. Le 11 mai, le Comité de Protection des Journalistes (CPJ) a émis un communiqué disant que l’attaque montre que ” tous les reporters courent des risques au Vietnam”

The Christian Science Monitor : ” Comme les États-Unis et le Vietnam se rapprochent, les soucis sur les droits de la personne croissent ”

Dans un article publié le 24 avril 2012,Simon Roughneen, un correspondant basé à Bangkok du Christian Science Monitor, rapportait que le Vietnam a un sombre dossier de violations des droits de la personne, selon Human Rights Watch, qui accusait Hanoi d’avoir supprimé systématiquement la liberté d’expression, d’association et de rassemblement pacifique.” L’article a discuté des accusations de propagande contre l’État portées contre les trois bloggeurs et a appelé à une prise de conscience éclairée sur les articles du Journal gouvernemental Thanh Nien qui prétendait que les bloggeurs indépendants ont publié 421 articles sur le site internet du Club des Journalistes Indépendants entre septembre 2007 et octobre 2010, prétendument ” déformant la vérité, dénigrant le Parti et l’État.” Le Quoc Quan basé à Hanoi qui travaille étroitement avec quelques-uns des activistes pro-démocratiques vivant sous forte pression au Vietnam, ont estimé que le Vietnam détient entre 300 et 600 prisonniers politiques, la catégorie dont le Vietnam nie l’existence. Quan ajouta que les trois bloggeurs accusés d’offenses criminelles ”n’ont rien fait d’autre qu’exercer leur liberté de presse”. Reporters sans Frontières”, chien de garde des médias basé en France classifie le Vietnam comme un ” Ennemi de l’Internet”, une caractérisation née des Projets de Lois sur l’Internet du gouvernement. ” Pendant que la loi n’a pas encore été finalisée”, dit l’article, ” les sociétés étrangères telles que Facebook pourraient être obligées d’ouvrir des bureaux locaux et de fournir des informations sur les utilisateurs au gouvernement, et les bloggeurs dans le futur devront utiliser leurs vrais noms dans leurs publications.

Les bloggeurs emprisonnés confrontés à de lourdes sentences

Le 15 mai, les familles de Nguyen Van Hai (surnommé Dieu Cay), Phan Thanh Hai (alias Anhbasg) et Ta Phong Tan, ancien officier de la Sécurité Publique devenu dissident, ont été informées que le procès des trois hommes, prévu originalement au 17 mai, serait reporté sine die. La raison cachée derrière n’est pas claire, bien qu’elle puisse être reliée à la focalisation de l’attention internationale sur ce procès. Le 19 avril, le New York Times publie un éditorial faisant l’éloge du courage de Dieu Cay et de Natalya Ratzina, un activiste proéminent de la Bíélorussie. Les remarques du Président Obama, à l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Liberté de Presse, comprennent la déclaration que ” le monde libre ne devrait pas oublier Dieu Cay.” Dieu Cay figure parmi les premiers à organiser des manifestations anti-chinoises à Saigon en 2008, protestant contre l’occupation des Iles Paracel et Spratley sur lesquelles le Vietnam a de solides bases historiques de revendications. Il était alors faussement accusé d’évasion fiscale et condamné à trois ans de prison. Après avoir purgé sa sentence, il n’était pas relâché mais au contraire maintenu en détention et privé de toute communication pendant plusieurs mois et il fait face maintenant à un procès avec de nouvelles accusations.


L’action de la police de Van Giang

Comme il a été exposé ci-dessus (” Reporters du Vietnam tabassés par la police anti-émeute”), le 24 avril environ 2000 à 3000 policiers armés de matraques, de bâtons électriques et de grenades lacrymogènes ont fait une descente au district de Van Giang, dans la province de Hung Yen pour exproprier les terres des agriculteurs locaux. Les terres seront remises à un développeur immobilier, Vihajico, dont le plan consiste à construire un complexe résidentiel appelé EcoPark. Bien que l’opération ait débuté à 4h30 du matin, quelque 700 agriculteurs issus des trois villages Xuan Quan, Phung Cong et Cuu Cao qui en avaient été avertis émergèrent en force pour protester contre la prise de possession. Cependant ,ils n’étaient pas de taille à pouvoir affronter les officiers de police fortement armés et les soixante à soixante dix bulldozers et d’autres véhicules qui suivent dans leur sillage.

Fait à noter, le centre touristique à construire sur les terres confisquées aux paroissiens catholiques de Con Dau, Da Nang, est aussi décrit par les avocats gouvernementaux comme un projet de tourisme écologique (Ecotourisme). On ne sait pas si et de quelle façon ces projets vont bonifier l’environnement. L’Ecopark de Van Giang était proposé par un groupe développeur bien connecté qui englobe un partenaire britannique, Savills. Il était annoncé comme un ” projet vert”, offrant haute sécurité et confort non trop loin de Hanoi. Juste après la conception du projet en 2003, le site était visité par des officiels de haut rang, incluant Nguyen Tan Dung, qui est maintenant Premier Ministre. La pierre d’achoppement de ce projet, comme de celui de Con Dau ou d’autres projets similaires était que les agriculteurs étaient demandés de dégager la surface, quitter les terres ancestrales, et partir ailleurs en échange des compensations très inférieures à la valeur des terres alors que le développeur va revendre les propriétés à un prix qui vaut peut-être cent fois le montant compensatoire. Dans le cas de Van Giang, les actions de la police ont soulevé un tollé public qui résulte en au moins une pause temporaire dans le conflit. Les agriculteurs sont de retour pour le moment, construisant leurs haies, essayant de restaurer leurs vergers et leurs champs.

[Nguyệt San Mạch Sống thuộc hệ thống truyền thông của BPSOS: http://www.machsongmedia.com.]


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